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Gmail Integration with Google Sheets Via Zapier

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Gmail and Google Sheets have become integral to our daily work life. Have you ever thought about what will happen if we integrate Gmail with Google Sheets? 

Indeed, magic!

Gmail is a free web-based email service that offers users Gigabytes of message storage space. It also includes the ability to search for specific messages. 

It also automatically organizes related messages into a conversational thread. Google offers the email service Gmail, and with over 1 billion active users, Gmail is known as the most popular email service in the world.

Gmail comes with features not to be found in other email services. 

  • One such feature is archiving messages instead of deleting messages. 
  • Another feature of Gmail is Priority Inbox, for highlighting important messages. It also comes with spam filtering to remove spam and malicious mail.

This blog will highlight what Google Sheets is,  why Integrate Gmail with Google Sheets, and the steps to integrate Gmail with Google Sheets via Zapier.

First, let us understand what Google Sheets is.

What are Google Sheets?

People working in various organizations have access to Google Sheets, which enables them to gain insightful data faster with built-in intelligence. You may ask questions related to the data using simple language. It comes with tools to analyze, visualize and obtain insights based on data.

Sheets were designed with Agile organizations in mind. The AI features help you to make meaningful decisions with the right insights.

Moreover, formula acceleration surfaces pertinent formulas as you type, which reduces errors and saves you time.

Furthermore, sheets allow teams to collaborate, whether you’re organizing an event or sharing the most recent revenue statistics.

In addition to the above features, with Sheets, in the same document, you can quickly add collaborators to projects, keep track of changes as they happen, get alerts for changes that take place while you’re away, and collaborate with coworkers. The changes are all automatically saved.

Finally, Sheets has an advanced security infrastructure that continuously protects your content. Permissions are managed through the individual, group, or domain-level access.

Why Integrate Gmail with Google Sheets?

Thanks to the integration of Google Sheets and Gmail, users can more easily manage their email while working on data in the spreadsheet application. The integration lets you directly access their email via the Google sheet interface.

Due to this connectivity, users can concentrate more on their job than searching through a potentially cluttered Inbox for their emails from many sources.

When we use Zapier to integrate Google Sheets and Zapier, you require no code and send information automatically. Zapier does more than connect two apps but helps to automate the entire process, starting right from the beginning till the end.

Now, we will discuss the steps to integrate Gmail and Google Sheets with Zapier.

Steps to Integrate Gmail with Google Sheets via Zapier

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on Create Zap.

Step 3: Search Gmail for the trigger.

Step 4: Select the Event and click on Choose account.

Step 5: Select the Gmail account and click to Continue.

Step 6: You can choose the Label or Mailbox and click the Continue button.

Step 7: After that, click on the Test trigger.

Step 8: Click on Continue.

Step 9: For the Action, Select the Google Sheets.

Step 10: Choose the event and click Continue.

Step 11: Select the Google Sheet and click on Continue.

Step 12: Fill in the fields and map the fields according to the sheet.

Step 13: Click on Test and Continue.

Step 14: Click on the Publish Zap.

Step 15: Click on the Publish & Turn on.


The integration between Gmail and Google Sheets helps you to automatically send information between Gmail and Google sheets without writing any code. Zapier allows you to focus on more meaningful activities like running your business.

With the Integration of Gmail and Google Sheets, users can do their tasks effortlessly without typing anything manually. Users can save time and become more productive. It becomes very effective when it comes to automation.

Do you want to save time and improve productivity? Cloud Analogy, one of the top-notch Salesforce integration companies, can guide you for Gmail integration with Google Sheets via Zapier. We are among the best Salesforce consulting companies Salesforce integration services, transforming your business and exponentially growing your revenue by becoming your Salesforce integration partners.

Follow us on our Social Media platforms, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, to stay updated with the latest technology and trends.

Thank you for reading!


Akshay Dhiman

Chief Technical Officer
Akshay Dhiman, the CTO of Cloud Analogy, has been a standout and successful Salesforce Platform Developer for years. He has a rich experience in Salesforce Integration, JavaScript, APEX, VisualForce, Sites, Batch Processing, Lightning, PHP, C++, Java, NodeJs, ReactJs, Angular 8, GraphQL, React Native, Web Technology, and jQuery.

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