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Top 10 Salesforce Summer ’24 Features For Developers

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As the summer of ’24 approaches, it promises warm weather and a wave of excitement for Salesforce developers worldwide. With each Salesforce release, the world leader in CRM propels developers into a realm of boundless possibilities, offering tools and features that redefine the art of development to craft smarter, faster, and more efficient solutions. The Salesforce summer ’24 release is no exception and is worth getting excited about.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the top 10 features designed with developers’ productivity and efficiency in mind, uncovering how they can elevate our development journey. Whether streamlining workflows, enhancing user experiences, or optimizing performance, these features are poised to make a significant impact. 

By hiring Salesforce consulting services from Cloud Analogy, you can harness these features to their fullest potential, ensuring you get the most out of every innovation. Let’s explore how the latest Salesforce summer ’24 release can propel your development efforts to new heights.

1. Apex Dynamic Formulas: With the introduction of Apex Dynamic Formulas, developers can now handle sObjects more effectively.

Here is an example:

Here are the steps:

  1. Fetching the Opportunity: Initially, we retrieve the relevant Opportunity record using a SOQL query.
  1. Constructing the Formula: We utilize a FormulaBuilder instance to create a formula dynamically. This instance incorporates a hypothetical discount function tailored to calculate discounts based on specific parameters like amount and percentage.
  1. Building the Formula: The build() method is called to finalize the formula construction.
  1. Evaluating the Formula: After preparing the formula, we execute it in the context of the Opportunity using the evaluateWith(opp) method. This involves substituting field values from the Opportunity into the formula.
  1. Handling the Result: Upon evaluation, the result is typically returned as a Decimal type, allowing further manipulation or usage in subsequent processes.

The new Formula.builder() method simplifies the creation of complex formulas, while the getReferencedFields method provides quick access to field names referenced within a formula. This feature streamlines workflow and allows crafting intricate formulas without compiling size restrictions.

2. External Client App Manager: The External Client App Manager makes managing external client apps easier by offering essential methods like authorize and refresh. Additionally, the HTTP Callout Mock Util class boosts test coverage by simulating HTTP callouts, ensuring robust and reliable code.

Example for Mock Callout

3. Enhanced Apex Classes and Methods: Updates to Apex classes and methods introduce expanded functionalities, such as improved error handling, enhanced formula evaluation, and support for custom items in enablement programs. These enhancements empower developers to build more resilient and feature-rich applications.

4. Smoother Error Handling in SOQL: The Summer ’24 release refines error handling in SOQL queries, providing clearer error messages and improved troubleshooting. Developers can expect smoother execution and enhanced clarity when working with SOQL queries.

Example for SOQL Queries:

Invalid datetime literals

  • SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE SystemModstamp > 2020-12-12t12:12:00-25:00
    • Old: line 1:67 mismatched character ‘5’ expecting set ‘0’..’3′
    • New: Invalid datetime: 2020-12-12t12:12:00-25:00

Using “WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED” without a proper Apex context setup

    • Old: SECURITY_ENFORCED not allowed in this context
    • New: rule soqlWithIdentifierClause failed predicate: {this.helper.allowApexSyntax() && this.helper.hasApexContext()}?

5. Scratch Org Snapshots: Scratch Org Snapshots, now generally available, enable developers to capture and replicate the configuration of scratch orgs swiftly. This feature streamlines the setup process and minimizes manual configurations, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

6. Bot Data Access and Modification: To enhance security and data integrity, processes initiated by bots now operate in user mode, adhering to user permissions and sharing rules. This update prevents accidental data access and modification, ensuring compliance and safeguarding sensitive information.

With this update, the flow runs in the user’s context and is authenticated via REST API. When the flow runs via REST API, the running user’s profile and permission sets determine the flow’s object permissions and field-level access. Here is the release update.

For example, the Update Account Type flow is run via REST API.

POST /v54.0/actions/custom/flow/Update_Account_Type

7. Trusted URLs for Redirects: To mitigate security threats, users can now define trusted URLs for redirects, restricting access to trusted Salesforce orgs and pages. This measure ensures secure navigation and protects against potential vulnerabilities.

8. EmailSimple Invocable Actions: Email Simple Invocable Actions now adhere to organization-wide email address profile settings, ensuring compliance with email address restrictions. This update enhances data governance and reinforces security measures.

Here, we can use the email template under the flow :

9. Accessibility Improvements in Lightning Components: Numerous accessibility improvements have been made to Lightning Web Components, including enhanced keyboard navigation, error handling, and assistive text attributes. These updates promote inclusivity and improve the user experience for all users.

Build UI quickly with these new and changed resources:

10. Retirement of Streaming API Versions: As part of the Winter ’25 release, several streaming API versions will be deprecated, emphasizing the importance of upgrading to supported versions. This ensures continued compatibility, reliability, and access to advanced features and enhancements.

In conclusion, the Salesforce Summer ’24 release unveils a treasure trove of innovations and improvements tailored for developers. From refined Apex capabilities to refreshing updates in Lightning components, this release empowers developers to do more with Salesforce CRM and work smarter, not harder. To make the most of these advancements and keep up with the evolving digital world, developers must upgrade to supported versions and embrace the latest features.

As older streaming API versions approach retirement, transitioning to supported versions becomes paramount. Thus, now is the time for developers to act, upgrade, and adapt to the evolving Salesforce landscape.

Ready to utilize these features to their fullest potential? Let our team of Salesforce consulting experts guide you through the seamless integration of Summer ’24 features into your workflow.

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Book a meeting with us today and let us tailor a package that fits your needs, empowering your business to thrive in the digital age. Take a leap and transform your business with a top Salesforce consulting partner today!



Sachin Arora

Scrum Master and Principal Solutions Architect
Sachin, a renowned Scrum Master and Principal Solutions Architect at Cloud Analogy, has rich experience when it comes to working on process improvement in a fast-paced environment maintaining high level of quality in all deliverables. Sachin's expertise lies in varied hardware and software environments including Cloud technologies such as Salesforce, AWS, Cloud Foundry & Google App Engine and Mobile.

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