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How Is IoT Changing Web Development?

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With the changing demands from people and businesses, continuous evolutions in the world of technology are happening every now and then to make people’s lives easier. IoT solutions are one of the tech solutions that have revolutionized the world today.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the segment of web development processes in web designing organizations in countless ways. Every person with a smartphone has used it at some point or the other. Not-so-far in the future, businesses would be seen using a combination of wireless sensor technologies for tracking the buying behavior of the customers. On the other hand, customers use IoT technologies to avail personalized services and customized products. Out of the large number of things affected by IoT, Web Development and Web Designing are one of the main industries that would be affected radically by future developments.

Configuring and implementing IoT is however a costly affair and thus out of reach of a large majority of businesses, especially startups. Hence, many web development organizations do not know where and what to start with IoT. The old process has entirely been assumed by the new technology. The whole basis of the IoT is nothing but an internet thing, so all developers should ideally learn the automation of this thing. IoT brings unprecedented changes to web development on many levels, including software development. New challenges are set by complex IoT networks for web developers in terms of both front and back ends

IoT is reshaping Web Development and Web Designing

The network of connected devices relies on web servers. This is how IoT and web development are related to each other. It stores sensors’ data in the cloud. Communication between the devices takes place with the help of advanced messaging protocols, and the user interface helps other users interact with the connected devices.

Other than this, many IoT devices can display web content, like UIs on smart applications, wearables, laptops, TVs, and industrial monitors. IoT Interfaces can also search the web via browsers, much on the lines of virtual assistants such as Amazon’s Echo and Google’s Alexa. In these ways, web development is a vital aspect of IoT projects.

The IoT allows users to connect to the Internet for almost every operation and application, right from large industrial machines to medical equipment, from automobiles to refrigerators, and from surveillance cameras to embedded sensors. Every information is available on demand and on a real-time basis. All Internet-connected devices need to be accessed, managed, configured and manipulated for the IoT system. These devices can become a familiar device just like a smartphone or laptop if they’re correctly operated. IoT has contributed to web development by providing new design techniques. This is how IoT features & projects affect web development.

IoT networks have to deal with intense communications, vast amounts of data, security issues, reliability issues, and dynamic user interfaces. They are usually a lot more complex than regular web applications.

Let’s have a close look at the characteristics of IoT systems.

Collecting High Volumes of Data

IoT systems collect real-time data from sensors. They work with huge amounts of data.  IoT filters and processes the data and transmits them to and from the cloud. However, processing such large volumes of data can cause delays in networks. The data can be lost or misplaced over the network, which is unacceptable. Therefore, IoT web development focuses more on the system’s reliability and scalability than ordinary web development.

Conventional Development

Communications in IoT networks need to be designed with minimization of power use in mind because it requires a lot of energy. high-bandwidth interconnects and Advanced messaging protocols can help make pages load faster.

Dynamic User Interfaces

Since an IoT system collects large amounts of different kinds of data, it has to display its data in an infographic and analytic value. The user interface displays valuable insights from data collected and is also used to manage the entire network. It helps users better interact with an IoT system. Streamlined user dashboards are a commonly used UI design solution for presenting valuable data information in an info-graphic and analytic format.

Advanced Security

Security issues are far more crucial in IoT. Even though it has always been an important concern for conventional web development. Security is the major challenge of IoT growth. Smart devices are to be secured from outside intervention to keep the data and network. This is to be done in the web development process. This is the reason why IoT web design has to focus on the system’s security. To ensure access security, the developer has to make sure data and communications within the network are secured through encryption and create advanced user access management and user authentication.

Trending Languages In IoT Web Development

There are 3 languages that are leaders in IoT solution development, although the language of IoT is to be multilingual. According to the IoT developer 2018 survey, the most used languages for building IoT solutions are C, Java, and JavaScript. While we commonly use Java and C languages for gateways and programming devices, JavaScript is more suited for web development. It is worth noting that 95% of all websites are built on JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks are also popular in IoT. Hence, since JavaScript dominates the web, it will hold a special place in IoT development in the future.


IoT applications have their own uniqueness, and those are influencing web development for its applications. Web developers have to ensure the IoT system scalability and reliability. Since it is data-enhanced processing. IoT ensures dynamic user interface solutions but has its own weak spot is the web interface. Hence, a web developer has to secure it with encryption and authentication.


Suraj Tripathi

Chief Technical Officer
Akshay Dhiman, the CTO of Cloud Analogy, has been a standout and successful Salesforce Platform Developer for years. He has a rich experience in Salesforce Integration, JavaScript, APEX, VisualForce, Sites, Batch Processing, Lightning, PHP, C++, Java, NodeJs, ReactJs, Angular 8, GraphQL, React Native, Web Technology, and jQuery.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Robert

    Thank you so much for this well written, well thought out blog.

    1. Cloudanalogycrm

      Hey Robert, Thanks for your kind words. We’re glad you found our content informative and helpful, and we look forward to sharing more with you.
      Keep reading 🙂

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