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Introducing Einstein Search for Commerce

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Search is a great means for the retailers for increasing conversion rates and revenue. This applies more for the Digital Storefronts, when the consumers query on various products, across web pages. Search is a powerful tool in the hands of marketers. This is backed up by solid data on quarterly analysis of Shopping Index.


For a survey conducted on 500 million online shoppers, consumers who search are 2.4 times more likely to buy the products.

There is more revenue generated too, 2.6x times more so for the mobile and desktop retailer sites in comparison those who does not resort to search.

So, far as Salesforce is concerned, for its Commerce Cloud platform, search plays an equally important role.


Out of 9 % of shoppers who make use of search in the Commerce Cloud are responsible for driving a quarter of overall sales.

However, shoppers are found to spend lesser time for visits on brand sites. So, all those retailers who are equipped with smarter search tools and better search experiences are expected to have a considerable impact on sales. This is where
Einstein Search comes into picture for Commerce Cloud.

In this post, we will provide further insights on Einstein Search for Commerce Cloud. But before we delve any further, we must throw some light on “What is Einstein?”. Next, we will understand all about “What are the Benefits of Einstein?”.

What is Einstein?

Einstein is a set of advanced capabilities, set across the Salesforce platform. It comes with machine learning, predictive learning, natural language processing and predictive analytics.

What are the Benefits of Einstein in Commerce Cloud?

In the context of Commerce Cloud, Einstein offers an easier option with AI-powered commerce. Benefits of using AI-powered Einstein are:


No Data Scientist Required


No need to have experts on AI. The user can now make use of the Einstein-powered capabilities of Commerce Cloud for real-time intelligent actions, with no need of any specialists.

Smarter Decisions 

Commerce Cloud can utilize the product data, order history, customer behavior in real-time. With every choice made by the shopper, there is an evolution of relevant experiences.  

Save Time


Your team can spend considerable time on strategy, development and growth as Commerce Cloud takes care of activities such as creation of new product groupings, updation of customer segments, manual merchandising ,and optimization of sorting rules.

Easier Personalization


Commerce Cloud has capabilities to handle various activities such as meaningful search results at every customer touchpoints, tailored product sortings and on-spot product recommendations. This is to address the personalized demands of the present shoppers.
Now, we deal with “What is Einstein Search?”.

What is Einstein Search?

Einstein Search has three categories:


Einstein Search Recommendations


It enables personalized typeahead (search-as-you-go-type) search. It is for providing the best option for search results. It leverages AI for searching known and anonymous shoppers. The engine gets smarter with every clicks/interactions. It uses data on past and recent searches, shopper’s behaviour and also data from Commerce Cloud, in the form of “liked by others” and “trending” data.  It offers recommendations, even without typing a single word in the search bar.

Einstein Search Dictionaries

This takes all the site searches not included in the retailer’s keyword list. It then makes a recommendation on a synonym and adds to the list. Einstein Search Dictionaries recommend the appropriate synonym list, based on the Commerce Cloud data, finding the relationship across search terms. So, there is no need to sift through lengthy excel sheets, as was the previous practice. This way the retailers are not lose a sale to a customer, if a preference is not in their stock.

Einstein Keyword Search Sorting Rules

This changes the product search results that appear on the site. It pulls results for highlighting products or prioritizing certain terms. It yields results driven by sorting rules, overriding the default rules. So, when the shopper searches for shoes, it comes as new arrivals.


Einstein offers an easier option for AI-powered commerce.

Einstein Search Recommendations is a type of Einstein search. It leverages AI for searching known and anonymous shoppers. The engine gets smarter with every click/interaction. It uses data on past and recent searches, shopper’s behaviour and also data from Commerce Cloud.

Today, the shoppers are always seeking for a seamless, frictionless search experience and the retailers need to quickly respond with intelligent searches. Finally, the search becomes smarter and personalized and translates into deeper customer loyalty and higher sales.


Suraj Tripathi

Salesforce Consultant | Solutions Engineering Head
"Suraj Tripathi, a certified Salesforce Principal Consultant of repute, is a wonderful mentor and leader. A certified Salesforce Architect and a 7x Salesforce Certified Platform Application Developer by passion and profession, Suraj has rich experience in languages such as Aura, HTML, Angular, Bootstrap, APEX, and JavaScript. With more than five years of expertise in Salesforce Development, Suraj has worked on more than 50+ projects out of which 20+ projects were related to Salesforce Integration, Writing Triggers, Batch classes, VisualForce pages, and Aura Components.

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