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Introduction To Salesforce Web-to-Lead

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Getting people to visit your website and keeping them stay longer is an essential component of digital marketing. Once they visit your website, who would like the visitors to visit and then leave? Turning visitors into new leads for your marketing and sales teams might help you make the most of your website traffic. That’s where the Salesforce web-to-lead form comes into the picture to help you capture the leads on your website and save them in Salesforce.

Notably, turning visitors into leads is as simple as directing them to a form on your website where they can fill in information about themselves and their interest in your services. Visitors’ demographics and specifics about their interest in your products and services can be captured via a well-designed form. This marketing and sales strategy is referred to as web-to-lead.

Salesforce makes it simple to construct web-to-lead forms that collect information from website users. The data is automatically saved in new lead records in your Salesforce installation, where it may be saved, qualified, and routed to sales agents. You may then route users to other pages on your site, send automatic email follow-ups, and begin customer journeys with them.

What Is Web-To-Lead In Salesforce?

The procedure of using a website form to gather the visitor’s information, which then stores that information as a new lead in Salesforce, is known as web-to-lead. It simply allows a way for you to create a lead record in Salesforce from a form you publish on your website. It’s a way to get feedback on your product and services or grow your marketing database. 

A web-to-lead form is a critical component of marketing and sales automation. The Salesforce web-to-lead form aims to capture data submitted by website visitors, including contact information and product interest, and then store it as a “Lead” record in  Salesforce.

Steps To Setup Web-To-Lead Form In Salesforce

Step 1: Go to Setup >Home > Enter Web-to-Lead > Select Web-to-Lead

Step 2: To enable or change Web-to-Lead settings, click Edit & enable Web to Lead checkbox.

Step 3: Now Click on Create Web-to-Lead Form

Step 4: Select fields you want to show in your form from the Available section and add them to the Selected section. Then enter the Return URL as per your choice and click on Generate button.

Step 5: Salesforce creates HTML code; we can customize these codes based on our requirement using this code. Once the customization is completed, we can place this code on our website. COPY this code and PASTE it into Notepad and save as type .html on your desktop and then click on Finish Button.

Step 6: Open the HTML file that you save on your desktop, and you see that your form is created with the fields you selected in Step 4. Now Fill this form.

Step 7: Now, Go check your Salesforce ORG where a new Lead is Created.

If any new visitor visits your site and fills the form, a new lead is created in your ORG.


Salesforce allows you to effortlessly construct web-to-lead forms that capture information about visitors to your website, which can be done in these simple steps. In Salesforce, the data is instantly saved as new lead records.  Salesforce Web-To-Lead feature offers an easy way to get leads from websites (without any integrations) and then save them into the Salesforce system. Sales teams and marketing teams can make the most of this feature to contact interested website visitors, plan targeted marketing campaigns, and convert these visitors to business partners.

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Suraj Tripathi

Salesforce Consultant | Solutions Engineering Head
"Suraj Tripathi, a certified Salesforce Principal Consultant of repute, is a wonderful mentor and leader. A certified Salesforce Architect and a 7x Salesforce Certified Platform Application Developer by passion and profession, Suraj has rich experience in languages such as Aura, HTML, Angular, Bootstrap, APEX, and JavaScript. With more than five years of expertise in Salesforce Development, Suraj has worked on more than 50+ projects out of which 20+ projects were related to Salesforce Integration, Writing Triggers, Batch classes, VisualForce pages, and Aura Components.

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