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Live Web Chat With Shopify In Salesforce

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Nowadays, customers expect a seamless & hassle-free customer experience from start to finish. Therefore, businesses need to prioritize the customer experience and make it a top priority to stand out in this cutthroat eCommerce market. 

With eCommerce giants such as Shopify boasting over 1.7 million merchants and Salesforce managing & integrating data for more than 150,000 businesses, the integration of Shopify with Salesforce has emerged as a powerful duo, with businesses witnessing a 30% increase in sales on average due to streamlined operations & targeted marketing,  leveraging Salesforce integration services. 

Moreover, adding a live web chat can elevate customer engagement to higher levels. As per the latest reports, 77% of consumers prefer live chat support, leading to a 92% boost in customer satisfaction. By offering real-time assistance, businesses can boost customer satisfaction by 92%, paving the way for long-term loyalty & sustainable growth. 

In this blog, we’ll walk you through what Shopify is, explore the benefits of integrating it with Salesforce, and understand why live web chat is a game-changer to enhance customer interactions and drive sales.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a robust and popular eCommerce platform that empowers businesses to create, manage, and scale their online stores quickly and efficiently. The platform offers various features that simplify the e-commerce journey, including setting up product listings and processing payments securely. 

From a user-friendly interface & customizable themes to an extensive app store, Shopify is the first & foremost e-commerce platform choice among entrepreneurs and established brands.

Benefits of Shopify in Salesforce

1. Enhance Marketing Campaigns & Operations: Shopify in Salesforce makes creating and managing marketing campaigns easier while streamlining overall business operations.

2. Easy Data Availability & Accessibility: With Shopify integrated into Salesforce, accessing and utilizing important data becomes simple for better decision-making.

3. Improves Customer Engagement & Retention: The integration enhances customer interactions, fostering stronger relationships and increasing loyalty.

4. Easy To Handle Daily Business Operations: Shopify in Salesforce simplifies business operations, saving time and effort.

5. Provides Important Findings: By leveraging Shopify data in Salesforce, businesses gain valuable insights that drive strategic decisions and improve performance.

Why Live Web Chat With Shopify?

Live web chat adds a human touch to the online customer’s shopping journey to help customers interact with support representatives in real-time. 

Integrating live web chat with Shopify in Salesforce offers numerous key benefits:

1. Instant Support: Live web chat enables customers to get immediate assistance with their inquiries, product questions, or technical issues without waiting for an email response or phone call. This instant support can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention rates.

2. Personalized Recommendations: By leveraging Salesforce’s customer data and Shopify’s product information, support agents can provide personalized product recommendations and tailored solutions to meet each customer’s needs and preferences.

3. Reduce Cart Abandonment: Live web chat can help minimize cart abandonment rates by seamlessly managing customers’ concerns or hesitations during checkout. Support agents can offer assistance, address objections, and guide customers through the purchase journey in real time.

4. Build Trust and Loyalty: Businesses can build customer trust and loyalty by offering responsive and helpful support through live web chat. Positive interactions and problem-solving capabilities can turn first-time buyers into repeat customers.

Steps To Set Up Web Chat In Salesforce 

Step 1: Go to services setup.
Step 2: Click service set up home.
Step 3: Click View All and search Chat with Customer.
Step 4: Open Chat Customer and click the Start Button.
Step 5: Added Queue member, give Queue Name, and name this group.
Step 6: Go to the next Button and give the work item size and agent capacity.
Step 7: Give the Website URL and site Domain. After that, click the next Button.
Step 8: Choose the service type and click Next.
Step 9:  Copy to the snippet. It is required later.
Step 10: Click Done.
Step 11: Click Embedded Service Deployment and click view

Steps To Set Up Web Chat In Shopify

Step 1: Go to the store app and select your store.

Step 2: Click Settings and setup for the developer.

Step 3: Click the online store

Step 4: Click Themes and select Edit code.

Step 5: Click “Footer. liquid” and paste her code after the end of the Footer.

Step 6: Go to your app store and Click the URL link.

Step 7: Web chat is embedded here on your website.

Test Live in Shopify with Salesforce

When an agent is available, a chat request is displayed in the New tab; then, accept the request is displayed in the My Work tab.

Chat Conversation with the client side.

Chat conversation with an agent

To integrate Live Web Chat with Shopify in Salesforce, Set up an OmniChannel in Salesforce and then embed Shopify’s code onto our website. Afterward, initiate a seamless conversation between the client and agent, smoothly displaying the OmniChannel panel from our Salesforce org. Agents can easily track chat history and conclude the chat when necessary. Here’s a link for Shopify’s basic setup for embedding web chat code and a guide for setting up web chat in Salesforce.  

Final Words

Integrating Shopify with Salesforce and incorporating live web chat functionality offers significant benefits for businesses seeking to enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Companies can unlock unparalleled insights and efficiency by seamlessly merging e-commerce platforms with CRM capabilities. Experience the synergy of Shopify and Salesforce integration today, and let Cloud Analogy Salesforce integration services propel your business toward unrivaled success in the digital age.

Want to get started with Salesforce integration with third-party tools? Hire Cloud Analogy Salesforce integration services & harness the full benefits of the integration process & take your business to new heights in the digital age, leveraging cutting-edge technology and expert guidance every step of the way.


Ajay Dubedi

CEO | Founder
Ajay Dubedi, the founder and CEO of Cloud Analogy, is a prominent Salesforce Sales, Service, and Marketing cloud Consultant with a rich expertise in handling challenging business models. Ajay has assisted and implemented solutions in industries comprising Banking, Health Care, Networking, Education, Telecommunication and Manufacturing. Ajay is globally acclaimed for his extensive experience in APEX Programming, VisualForce pages, Triggers, Workflows, Page Layouts, Roles, Profiles, Reports & Dashboards.

Hire the best Salesforce Implementation Partner. Choose Cloud Analogy, the world's most preferred Salesforce Implementation Company that provides custom CRM Implementation services.

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